“Life is like sailing, you can use any wind to go in any direction!”
Bose sound System with 4 zones and surround on saloon with blue ray, bluetooth and apple tv network
Master room with 32”lcd tv, bose sound system blue ray
Vip room with 19” lcd tv bluetooth stereo and speakers
Twin room with 19” lcd tv bluetooth stereo and speakers
Pilot house room 19” lcd tv bluetooth stereo and speakers
Tenders & Toys
~33′ Whaler tender with fishing outriggers and bait box (Optional extra for US$4000)
~Onboard trolling rods x 2
~4 Full divers equipment (BCD,octopuses,masks,flippers,weights)
~Diving compressor with hookah
~15′ Dinghy
~2 x Fly boards
~2 Clear kayaks
~Swimming island
~2 Sea scooters Yamaha